It was screened on the 17th of May at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival, it was later wide released in September of the same year. The film doesn't include any big names.
Paramount Pictures is a feature film production, video and DVD worldwide distribution company and produces programs for televison broadcast. It's most recent releases - yet to be released - are The Lovely Bones to be released in January 2010, and Case 39 which is also due to be released around the same time.
Case 39 uses a juxtaposition (an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast) to show the contrast between a good situation and turning it bad, and potentially horrible. I liked this film as it reminded me of what we are trying to achieve in our film.
Vertigo films is a UK film and media production and distribution company founded in 2002, with the aim of producing and distributing commercially driven independant cinema. Vertigo films are also a partner in the international sales company Protagonist pictures, a joint venture with Film4 and Ingenious Media. They have produced twenty seven films to date which has secured them a place as the leading UK low budget production company through a string of profitable films in the first six years.
The film, which saw Robert Carlyle take Best Performance award at the Edinburgh International Film Festival in June, will also screen at the Rome International Film Festival and has already made appearances at the Jersey International Film Festival and Cambridge Film Festival.
20th Century Fox was formed in 1915 and it is one of the six major American Distribution companies and has helped to create films such as Star Wars, Ice age, X-Men, Die Hard, Alien, Night At The Museum, Home Alone, and the Predator series which all of which are big, well known films, that most have become sequals and follow ons.
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