Monday, 7 September 2009

Planning Our Film -

Genre Of Film -
We have decided to make our film fit into the horror genre. As a group, we know more about this genre and we are more interested in the films as a whole. We could also make a horror more orginal and our own.

Storyline -
The main storyline is that of the contrast between the perfect/happy life between a couple and then how it turns into being a horrific scary scenario.

We want it to be based around a Sonnet which is still an ideal romantic element where a couple are happy with shots of them with friends in feildsand on beaches, laughing and joking with them and finally reading the Sonnet which releases an ancient curse written by a young girl who was heartbroken by being torn away from the love of her life.

House - quickly grabs book - frantic
- Picnic basket
Meadow - Read book
- Destiny love story
Beach - Campfire
Evil poem falls out
Read poem out loud
Flashes of them - Scenes of them running
- Enhanced breathing
Looks up
Girl in white dress - In water
Couple run
Poem left floating in water

Tagline -
- When does a sotry become reality?
- Have you ever read a story that become reality?
- Where is your destiny written?

Name -
- The Poem
- Clarity
- Transparent Destiny
- Epic Poem
- Sonnet In White
- The White Sonnnet
- The Transparent Sonnet
- The Perfect Sonnet
- Sonnet
- The Sonnnet - The makes it sound powerful and keeps the focus on the one sonnet included in our storyline.
We wanted to get the message of innocence and purity into the title because of the young girl in the white dress, for this reason we came up with names such as
  • Sonnet In White
  • The Transparent Sonnet
  • The White Sonnet

so we could convey the girl as being a virginal, moral person, which would help to enhance the image of things going horrifically wrong. We didn't feel these names were too catchy enough, and therefore it would persuade the audience not to go and see the film once they had viewed the trailer.

Todorovs theory of narrative -
His basic thinking of narrative was that it started of perfect, went wrong and then went back to normal again.
Todorov argues that narrative involves transformation. The characters or the situations are transformed through the progress of the disruption. There is always a beginning, and middle, and an end, and that's how the audience minds work.

In a way, our film will go against this. It will start of happy, and perfect, and then it will end showing the bad effects of love.

Juxtaposition - an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.

Our film will do this. It will show the contrast between love and hate, and how suddenly in can all go so wrong.