Monday 15 June 2009

Introduction And Key Points Of The Horror Genre

For our A2 course we have been asked to design and make a film trailer for any type of film we wish. Here, on this blog, I will keep a record of my mind process and any ideas me and my group have towards my final piece. I think it is important to do mind maps/mood boards and drafts so we get the best result possible. I will explore the convention of my film genre and take notes using this. will carry all my thought processes and ideas.
Getting started in my research:
Films are given a shared identity through their shared conventions
  • Conventional conventions
  • Tematic and iconographic conventions
  • Film techniques

Why can films cohere to or reject conventions? Because it adds a new appeal and therefore attracting a new audience.

Genre is linked to its socio-cultural context. Films can reaffirm or challenge exisiting ideolgies and views.

My group and I have decided to produce a trailer based in the horror genre.

Purpose and intention of horror:

  • To shock
  • To scare
  • Make people squirm
  • Keep people engaged
  • Build adrenaline
  • Build suspense

Paul Boss states that horror should not be condemned as excessive and unnecsessary violence, but understand it in its context. By this he means that horror reflects post modern issues about self and subjectively as fragmented, threatened, out of control and under attack from within.

Horror films tend to have :-

  • Heart beat music, to build pace and keep the music engaged, and eager to watch.
  • Low key lighting to keep the mood dark.