The poster:
The poster shown above gives the impression of a great love story. The way the two of them are looking in different directions makes the reader feel like they are thinking of each other. This is high lighted in the way the main title runs through the middle of the design. It shows that the two people are seperate, and an almost forbidden love affair is happening. Classical colours are used, with the background of each person being the main colour. Above is a minty pea green, and below the colour of poppys is shown. The colours themselves contrast, and again this could represent something forbidden. The typepography used is that of a type writer, showing its age, and its relevance to the story. The tag line - 'Joined by love. Seperated by fear. Redeemed by hope' creates sympathy from the audience, and also makes them believe in true love. It shows who is starring in the film, which helps followers of the actors/actresses. It also show previous films, and that it was based upon a novel. This is all information which the audience can process and use to to acess if they want to see they film or not, and if it appeals to them.
The Notebook is a 2004 film, distributed by New Line Cinema. It's a romantic drama film starring Ryan Gosling, and Rachel McAdams who show a heartbreaking love story.
The Poster:
It shows a very intimate side to this film. The bright light in the background shows them looking quite angelic, and the fact that it's set in the rain gives the audience something that would normally be classed as not normal, and something that people just wouldn't do, but here it looks the main focus and somehow look obtainable. The focus is on the two people with names of others involved in the production of the film underneath, and the title in bold. The colour of the dress is the same colour as the sky, which is quite asthetically pleasing.The way the two are embraced suggests the passion throughout the story.
The Poster:
It shows a very intimate side to this film. The bright light in the background shows them looking quite angelic, and the fact that it's set in the rain gives the audience something that would normally be classed as not normal, and something that people just wouldn't do, but here it looks the main focus and somehow look obtainable. The focus is on the two people with names of others involved in the production of the film underneath, and the title in bold. The colour of the dress is the same colour as the sky, which is quite asthetically pleasing.The way the two are embraced suggests the passion throughout the story.